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RE: 560 Battery

Randall, I purchased a second battery when I got my 560.  I used both,
swapping frequently.  The one that shipped with the unit has worked
fine, but the 2nd did exactly what yours did.    I called and IBM
replaced the battery with a new one.

Charles S. Swartz
Program Manager
Dept. of Entertainment Studies & Performing Arts
UCLA Extension

310-825-9634 Phone
310-206-7435 Fax

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Randal Whittle [SMTP:rwhittle@usa.net]
> Sent:	Thursday, December 04, 1997 10:35 AM
> To:	TP List
> Subject:	560 Battery
> Has anyone had a 560 battery--or any other lithium-ion batter--just
> suddenly go completely dead on them?
> I have 2 batteries for my TP 560 and generally I just swap between
> them
> every now and again.  Unless I'm going on a trip where I want both
> batteries, I pretty much just leave one of them on the shelf, with the
> occasional swap just to keep both of them exercised.
> Is it possible to leave one on the shelf for too long?  I think its
> been
> perhaps as long as a couple of months since I last swapped batteries
> around
> and now that I put my #2 battery back in, the system just plain
> *won't*
> charge it.  Its not as though the battery won't "hold" a charge, its
> that
> it *never* GETS charged to begin with.  System still works fine with
> my #1
> battery.
> Now I've had batteries slowly die from constant cycling (the 750
> series was
> guilty of this), but I haven't had a battery outright die just from
> sitting
> there for so short a time.  It worked fine when I last used it!
> Help?  Advice?  Similar experiences?
> -------
> Randal J. Whittle		whittle@usc.edu	(213) 740-7775
> Director, Electronic Commerce Program
> Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California