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Re: ThinkPad 560 questions

At 05:20 PM 12/3/97 -0700, hzkd0@eng.amdahl.com wrote:

>I am thinking of buying the ThinkPad 560.  I have a few questions
>about this machine:
>1. Is the display color?  (I am assuming it is; want to make sure tho')

	Yes.  Your choice of dual-scan or active TFT.

>2. I know it does not have a built in CD-Rom.  But, I can hook up an
>   external CD-Rom to the parallel port. Any problems with this set up?
>   Or is there a better alternative?

	I've done both through the parallel and via a PCMCIA SCSI card (Adaptec).
Prefer SCSI for speed, but parallel works fine and is about as fast what
with my meager 4x CD drives.

>3. This does not have a built in modem, but, If I buy a PCMCIA 
>   modem card, I should be able to dial anywhere.  Correct me if I am wrong.

	Most people with laptops run PCMCIA modems anyway.  Individual features
depend on the particular PC card modem you buy.

>3.1.  How about connecting an external modem (regular PC modem) to the
>      serial port?  Any problems with this setup?

	Haven't done it, but the serial port supports 14550-type buffer chip, so I
don't foresee any problem in doing so.

>4.  This comes with only 8 MB of RAM.  Can I add another 16MB, bringing
>     the total up to 24MB?  Any problems with that?

	Works fine.  I later sold off my 16 MB module and upgraded to a 32 MB
module for a total of 40 MB.

>5. How about connecting external speakers?  

	Works fine, if you want it.  I don't particularly care for noises anyway,
so I don't bother.  The built-in speaker is adequate, though it sounds like
a tin can.

>I have never owned a laptop, and my ignorance may be showing here.
>Basically, I would like to use it - while travelling - for everything, I
>use my desktop for - word processing, presentations, lite programming.  
>Occasionally use the modem to get e-mail, web etc..., and sometimes use
>it for multimedia presentations.
>The usage is light.  So, I don't need a bleeding edge laptop.  I just need an
>adequate system.  Will this do?  

	I'm quite happy with mine, but I use both a laptop and a desktop, so when
I feel like I need more horsepower for a particular task, I go to my
desktop.  Do keep in mind that laptops are inherently slower than the
same-MHz desktop--i.e., a 560 running at 133 MHz is *not* going to be as
fast as virtually any desktop running at 133 MHz.  Just part of the
tradeoff you make for the benefit of portability.

	Personally, I think the 560 is a great choice for people who want a
quality, light, reasonably "fast" but not bleeding-edge fast laptop at what
I consider to be a good price point.  Sure you can by cheaper, but I think
its worth it to have the major brands as laptops go--Toshiba, IBM, etc.

Randal J. Whittle		whittle@usc.edu	(213) 740-7775
Director, Electronic Commerce Program
Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California