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Re: ThinkPad 560 questions

On Wed, 3 Dec 1997 hzkd0@eng.amdahl.com wrote:

> 1. Is the display color?  (I am assuming it is; want to make sure tho')

  Definitely.  The TFT display is very nice and sharp.

> 2. I know it does not have a built in CD-Rom.  But, I can hook up an
>    external CD-Rom to the parallel port. Any problems with this set up?
>    Or is there a better alternative?

  Parallel interface CD's are slower and consume more CPU time, but work
fine.  A PCMCIA SCSI is IDE interface drive is much better. 

> 3. This does not have a built in modem, but, If I buy a PCMCIA 
>    modem card, I should be able to dial anywhere.  Correct me if I am wrong.

  You are correct.  I have used two different modem/ethernet combo cards
in my TP560-120 w/12.1" active matrix display.  Both worked fine.

> 3.1.  How about connecting an external modem (regular PC modem) to the
>       serial port?  Any problems with this setup?

  No problem.  I ran one of my USR Courier v.Everythings that way for a
month at home until I stuck a faster PC card mdem/network card combo in
it.  I was moving and had already moved my "big" systems.  I kept one of
my "fast" modems and used the notebook until I was done moving.  14.4Kbps
internet is too darn slow.  =)

> 4.  This comes with only 8 MB of RAM.  Can I add another 16MB, bringing
>      the total up to 24MB?  Any problems with that?

  Yes.  No problem.  Mine had 8+16 [24MB originally] and thne I upgraded
it to 8+32 [40MB] a few months later.

> 5. How about connecting external speakers?  

  Plug them into the jack on the right side next to the volume control.

> I have never owned a laptop, and my ignorance may be showing here.

  No problem.  We all start somewhere.  =)

> Basically, I would like to use it - while travelling - for everything, I normally
> use my desktop for - word processing, presentations, lite programming.  
> Occasionally use the modem to get e-mail, web etc..., and sometimes use
> it for multimedia presentations.
> The usage is light..  So, I don't need a bleeding edge laptop.  I just need an
> adequate system.  Will this do?  

  I believe so.  I've owned my TP560 since February and am very happy with
it.  I could try chasing after faster CPU's and such and spend lots of
monet, but I am happy with this machine.  In a year or so I'll probably
stick a bigger hard drive in it, but the 800MB drive is fine for now.

> All your comments are welcome.

  Will those do?  =)

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