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RE: 750C disassembly

Do the keyboard, it's easier ;-}

Keyboard can be cleaned in an ultrasound tank or it could be the infamouse ribbon problem.
To replace a keyboard:
The following was a description of how to check the keyboards cableing , but it also explains how to exchange one.

    1.  Get at the 3 little cables: 
Remove the 2 screws beside the hinges of the keyboard. They are under little plastic caps 
that have to be pried off with a tinny -small  screwdriver.
Flip the screen back all the way.
Remove the floppy drive and top PCMCIA card.
You are going to remove the plastic bezel between the keyboard and the back of the computer.
Removing the 2 screws was the first part. It is still held by 2 hooks that are on the other side of the
keyboard hinge.  ie:
hook..hinge ..screw............................................................................screw..hinge..hook
                                            [metal clip]
There is also a metal clip ~ 90mm from the left side that holds the plastic bezel to the metal RF shield.
It clips off easily .
Flip open keyboard . Find clip ...black in color ...it's just above the back right edge of the floppy. Pull on the 
vertical part with your fingernail . 
The right hook is very easy to get to .
Flip keyboard open   take a small screwdriver through the hole for the PCMCIA  cards and push back
this small plastic "L " shaped hook .  You are pushing it to the front of the computer and only about 
1 mm. It should unhook. 
Now that you know what it looks like,  do the same to the other side . (grin)
The other side (left)  is almost invisible ...have lots of light .. since there is no PCMCIA hole,
your hand and screwdriver will block your view at first .
Once it unhooks the whole bezel flips back and pulls out.
Put the keyboard back and Latch it !

Those 3 very flat "ribbon type " cables coming from the keyboard are  a comon problem.
The smallest one is for the trackpoint. 
With all 3 cables pull back the FRONT part of the connector .
It only comes out ~1mm ...use a fingernail(s)  and pry back both sides at once .
Once they are loose,..so is the "ribbon cable", so pull it out.
Check for any dirt etc....gently clean them..and put them back in.
Reseat the connector .
Boot the TP and try out the keyboard. 
You can use the "EASY SETUP" to test the keyboard.
Hold down the F1 key while turning on the power.
Go to the "test" icon ..enter it.
Do a CTRL  A   for advanced diags.
Do a CTRL  K   for the Keyboard test.

To put it all back together just work backwards  ;-}
It's easier to hold the keyboard and the bezel together a little above the pivot point
for the keyboard. Push the back of the bezel in while still holding the keyboard a 
little higher and then seat the "closer to you " side of the bezel. 
Carefull!! don't pull on the keyboard cables.
Sigh...Usually it's a no brainer.

If this doesn't work  "TRENKDOG3"  in the laptop news group has keyboards for $50.
Another option is the card that takes the signals from the keyboard to the Motherboard is 
bad or semi-seated ...(it is NOT a good design.)

From: 	Reagen Ward[SMTP:ward@wardr.cm.neosoft.com]
Sent: 	Wednesday, December 03, 1997 1:52 AM
To: 	thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: 	750C disassembly

I have 2 750C thinkpads, one with a broken keyboard (coffee damage), one with a broken display (foot damage).  Is it easier to switch keyboards or displays, and does anyone have any idea how I would go about stripping this box down to do it?
