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Re: [TP560] Hibernation and Suspend using FAT32

On Mon, 24 Nov 97 9:27:19 HST, you wrote:

>> and all of the back-up diskettes are made. It's time to format and
>> re-install this puppy to remove any extraneous crap I'll never use
>> again.
>I would do this with some care.  Genuine crap (like the online service stuff)
>is easily tossed; apparent crap (like the PC Card director) can turn out
>unexpectedly useful! (I recently used it when debugging a portable CDROM
>installation.  Incidentally - for the record, CMS Enhancements CDROM drives
>don't appear to be compatible with the 560.
	Yep, I'm being careful, and made all the IBM diskettes for this
even though I prefer Windows 95's card management (heresy! I know).
>> 	Does the file for hibernate and suspend get written properly on a
>> disk using FAT32?
>You probably know this, but (a) FAT32 will slow your system down marginally,
>(b) make some DOS apps not work, (c) lose you some degree of IBM support, 
>(d) was the single largest source of problems on alt.windows95 before the
>introduction of IE4, and (e) will reclaim less space than drivespace, even
>if the latter is in 'no compression' mode.  Just a reminder.
	I wasn't aware of E, and I'm nervous enough as it is. I'll rephrase
that - any known trouble using Drivespace3 then?
>> pc card hard drive. Does anyone know what I'd need to copy from the
>> /Cabs directory to get an install disk, aside from all the .cab files
>> themselves?
>This is discussed at length in the Windows 95 FAQ; what I've done in a similar
>situation is (a) had all the 'dos' stuff (from \windows\command), (b) The setup and
>config files from disk 1 of the backup set you made with the factory.
	Speaking of OSR2, I got my Kiwi laptop back about an hour ago. They
claimed to have replaced my drive because it had a bad sector. I'm
suspiciously amazed, since they seem to have gone out and purchased
the exact drive I used to have -  a Toshiba 1926FCV. I see them
around, but not a lot. I'll be running Scandisk to see if there are
any bad sectors - my drive had ONE and has had it since I bought the
laptop, which Kiwi didn't notice on two previous trips in. Aside from
that, I had Windows A and they loaded B, without giving me any media
for it - no CD-ROM, no .cab files, nada. Just changed some settings
and had no source files to read from. Wonderful. They *also* forgot to
send back my floppy drive. And as they've had the darn thing a MONTH,
I'm constantly reaching for a trackpoint rather than the touchpad.
Can't wait till I get this puppy set up as my server (trying to get a
mini-network going as an experiment), and use the 560 full-time.
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Laptops: Kiwi 680TX and IBM Thinkpad 560