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Erudite Memory?

	I was on the prowl for a low-priced 32MB RAM upgrade for the 560,
and saw a post from this company on the laptop forsale group
advertising it for $164.95 plus shipping. Looks like the best deal so
far, but I'm wondering if anyone can provide references for the
company re Thinkpad RAM? Comments?
	PS I decided not to send my Thinkpad in for the display thingie. I
missed the delivery of the box from EZ-Serv, and the longer I have it
the less it really bothers me. I only notice the spots when using a
gray background, and I don't really use one that often, so I figure
what the hell. Mostly, I hate giving up the 560 while I'm being jerked
around waiting for the Kiwi to get back (sent in 10/27).
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Laptops: Kiwi 680TX and IBM Thinkpad 560