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Re: HD Protect Passwords

Try these two methods .. see if it works ..

(01) Take a big heavy magnet and run it through .. see if it erases the
entire harddrive .. with password.
(02) Find a similar used or new harddrive .. try to replace circuitry and
see if you can remove harddrive .. i was able to recover my entire harddrive
data by replacing circuit board .. and had all my data recovered ..


Brian Patel

>On Wed, 19 Nov 1997 22:40:54 -0500, Gregg Ginsberg wrote:
>>On Wednesday, November 19, 1997 2:29 PM, Paul Khoury
>>[SMTP:pkhoury@loop.com] wrote:
>>> But seriously, woulldn't a lowlevel format work?
>>According to my IBM engineer friend in Raliegh....no. Kiss the drive
>Who's drive was it again?