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755CE battery charging problem

I've been using this 755ce for the past 1.5 hours.  The battery
charge LED (left pointing triangle) is lit, but the battery charge
still reads 0% on the fuel gauge.  The battery was charged last
week, and I've been using it strictly on AC power since then, so 
I thought it was still charged; but when I tried turning it on
without AC, it was dead, and it still reads 0% (I'll have to log
off and reboot to see if it's taken any charge).  This is a 755ce
which I just bought used, so it occurs to me I've never seen it
actually charge a battery, just verified that the LED was lit.

Is it possible the battery has suddenly gone dead?  It worked before.

Can it be a simple matter of software configuration?  I have power
control set to automatic for both battery and ac.

Can it be that the 755ce doesn't charge the battery while in use,
even though the charging LED is lit?  That would mean I have to
turn off the machine to charge the battery--not good.

Can it be that only certain power adapters can charge the battery?
I'm using the huge, old, 50W brick.

Or is maybe something wrong with the computer? :(((