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RE: Modem Volume

On Fri, 14 Nov 1997, Chris DiBona wrote:
> I usually add the ATS0 setting in my modem programs and scripts under 
> initialization settings. This AT command allows you to avoid having any 
> sound produced form the modem itself, and you won't be messing with the 
> system settings.

  With every modem I have ever used [that handles AT commands] S0
configures the number of rings before the modem auto-answers.  ATS0 is
incomplete as well.  S0=0 sets the modem to not auto-answer, and and other
number is the nomber of rings before answering.

  Setting the "loudness" of the speaker [if supported] via the L register
[usually a number between 0 and 3 or so] like ATL1 usually helps.  Also,
the modem speaker on/off control register M can be used.  Set ATM0 to shut
the speaker off entirely.

  What modem interprets the ATS0 as anything to do with the speaker?  Per
the standard Hayes command set this is something entirely different.

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