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Re: (TP701) Where were they made?

As far as I know the Industry Canada sticker just signifies that the device
is approved  to operate in Canada.  It doesn't mean that any parts were
actually manufactured or assembled in Canada.  I seem to see these on a lot
of computer parts that I purchase, specifically pc card modems.

David Crombie
a sometimes proud canadian thinkpad owner

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Khoury <pkhoury@loop.com>
To: Christian Carey <ccarey@CapAccess.org>; ThinkPad mailing list
Date: Saturday, November 08, 1997 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: (TP701) Where were they made?

>On Fri, 7 Nov 1997 10:08:24 -0500 (EST), Christian Carey wrote:
>>On Thursday, 6th November 1997, Paul Khoury wrote:
>>> On Thu, 6 Nov 97 20:17:00 HST, David Ross wrote:
>>> > (3) Paul K. made a comment about 701 quality; my 701 was made in
>>> >     I thought they all were.
>>> After looking at IBM's PC Direct catalogs, it said the machine was
>>> supposed to be manafactured in Scotland, but it said Mexico.  After it
>>> was EasyServed in the summer, it said "Assembled in the US of US and
>>> non US parts."
>>My 701 has been EasyServed (however it's spelled) once, and says
>>"Assembled in the U.S.A. of U.S.A. and non-U.S.A. components". I didn't
>>check to see what it had said before I'd sent it in. There's a
>>red-on-white Industry Canada/Industrie Canada sticker on the bottom of my
>>701, but I'm not sure that that signifies a majority-made-in-Canada
>>product; my PCMCIA modem (TDK DF2814C) was made in Japan (or at least the
>>card itself was), but its cable has an Industry Canada sticker.
>This sticker I think usually says that the modem has been tested
>to work in Canada.  Maybe a Canadian resident on this list
>can conform that please.