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Re: (TP560) Where made (was: DSTN display question)

> Hmm, mine is one of the second round (2gb disks) and says "Made in Japan",
> serial number starts with 97-

This is extremely interesting.  It isn't surprising that IBM takes advantage
of its international presence to manufacture machines all over the place,
and it isn't even too surprising that some models are made in more than
one place (e.g, Paul's Scottish 701).  However, I was very much under
the impression that IBM's Japanese facility mainly did experimental machines
(like their Japan-only ultralight).  Labor costs in Japan are quite high,
so even Japanese companies tend to make their machines elsewhere if possible.

The year we bought our VW Golf was the year they moved manufacture from the US
to Mexico; at most dealers, you could get either a US-built or a Mexico-built
car.  SOme dealers wanted a premium for the US-built cars (in retrospect - judging
from repair records - well worth it).  I wonder if computer dealers ought to do
the same, say charging $25 more for the TP560(J) than for the TP560(M).

- David