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Re: Linux on 560E

Yes, Linux works wonderfully on the 560. You will need XFree86 3.3.1 for
best results. This might not yet be included in the standard RedHat (or
Debian, etc...) distributions but is available from your friendly local
linux software site. There are also a couple of web sites dedicated to
Linux on the 560 but I don't have the URLs handy at the moment.

                                 -- Scott.

Dr. F. Scott Porter                Internet: Frederick.S.Porter@gsfc.nasa.gov
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center   Office:   (301)286-5016
Code 662                           FAX:      (301)286-1684
Greenbelt, MD 20771                WWW:   http://lheawww.gsfc.nasa.gov/~porter

On Fri, 7 Nov 1997, Chris Hanson wrote:

> A friend of mine is considering a purchase of a 560E, but he wants to
> know if Linux will work on it; in particular, he wants to know if
> anyone has managed to get X working.  (It has a Trident Cyber 9382
> chipset.)
> I don't have any idea whether it works or not, so I thought I'd ask
> here.  Does anyone know?