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Re: (TP560) DSTN display question

On Thu, 6 Nov 97 9:42:30 HST, you wrote:

>I'm the other owner EPB referred to.  My machine had to go back for
>service today (bad solder joint, I think) and I appended a note asking
>them to look at the display.  We'll see what they say.
>BTW, my machine was one of the first off the assembly line in Mexico, so
>there might have been initial quality control problems.
	I didn't want to out you, since it was a private email. I've also
called IBM, I'm getting the FedEx box tomorrow. I'm going to *hate*
going back to my 510 after a week of being spoiled, though, but "if
'twere done, 'tis best done quickly" and all that. The pushover point
was stopping by an Elek-Tek to buy the floppies for creating all those
diskettes (can you believe they were *out* of floppies?); I checked
out the display model of the 560 (they have them for $1299) and saw
the difference. I explained to a salesman, who had a tech there look
at it, and he was more upset about the quality than I am! 
	As a point of reference, mine was manufactured Feb 97, in case
that's the problem period of manufacture or something. Thanks for the
responses, everyone.
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