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TP: cutting down noise

Of the 5 e-lists to which I describe, the TP list is probably
the *least* noisy; however, there are ways in which the noise
that does exists could be rendered easier to handle (as is done
on some other lists):

(1) Perhaps the mail list program could automatically prepend the
	letters TP to the subject line (i.e., TP: 701 and PEP); that way
	it is immediately recognizable as a TP message to readers.  (If the
	mail list program the administrators are using can't do this easily,
	then maybe we could all try to adopt it as a posting convention).

(2) The actual machine under discussion (if machine-specific) should be
    mentioned by the poster, maybe in parentheses, e.g. TP:(701) 701 and PEP.

(3) If the subject changes noticeably, then the poster who makes the change
	should indicate this (e.g. TP:(701) overclocking (was: 701 and PEP)).
	That way, if someone loses interest in a thread, they can just delete
	all subsequent posts on the same thread without fear of missing
	anything useful.  (I think this was a problem with the latest 701 thread.)

I'm guilty of generating a certain amount of the recent noise, so I hereby
pledge (a) to follow my guidelines above (including manually implementing
(1), if the listowner can't do it easily), (b) to wait at least a day
between posts on a thread (unless the poster marks a question 'urgent' and
I have a *complete*, *precise* answer at hand), and (c) in my own queries, to
request that replies be emailed and I will summarize to the list).

I hereby grant permission to all of you to chew me out if I violate my pledge:-)

- David R.