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RE: TP 701 Upgrade by PEP

> >> Wouldn't it be nice if the AMD 586 could be run at 125 or (overclocked)
> >> at 150 Mhz?...
> >
> >This is a function of the system board, not the chip.  I run this chip
> >
> I think that some chips can have their degree of overclocking determined
> by some pin signal or other such thing. So your 4X overclocking might be
> able to be reduced to 3X or 4X, or increased to 5X or 6X, depending on
> how the chip was designed -- and how hot it would get. This would allow
> placing a 150 Mhz chip as 3X in a 50 Mhz board, or 5X in a 30 Mhz
> >clocked board.

The AMD chip *does* pick up a pin signal from the, but this signal
only tells the chip whether to internally double, triple, or quadruple.
(Interestingly, on this chip the signal which would say 'double' to an Intel
chip is the 'quadruple' command.)   However, this 4x is *not* overclocking - 
this is the *usual* way to run the AMD586. The only way to up the speed to
over 100mhz on the 25mhz TP701 would be to step up the 701's MB speed.

I've never heard of a chip which could be 'overclocked' by somehow upping
the internal clock multiplier to an unsupported multiple (like 6x).  Doesn't
mean they don't exist, but I *have* done a lot of homework on this.

- David