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Re: TP 701 Upgrade by PEP

On Fri, 31 Oct 1997 07:44:39 -0800, Randal Whittle wrote:

>At 05:22 AM 10/31/97 GMT, epbrown wrote:
>>	As for the tests Paul suggests, my own copy of the PCMag benchmarks
>>is on CD, and since it's incredibly large I think that's the only
>>format they're available in. Running them would require using an
>>external CD-ROM which could bias the results. I think it's a good
>>suite, though, so if anyone disagrees and thinks it wouldn't heard,
>	I don't mind doing a test that requires a CD, but as you were saying, I
>think that would have the effect of skewing the test somewhat.
>	I have only 2 options for running the test from a CD.  (1) I have an
>Adaptec PCMCIA SCSI card I can use to run a Pioneer 6-disc changer that has
>a native speed of 4x.  (2) I have a 4x CD drive by "Backpack" that connects
>to the parallel port.  I'd think that the SCSI route would be best, but
>that 6-disc changer is rather quirky--I don't even use it anymore because
>it's sort of awkward (i.e. when you first boot up, it goes through *every*
>disc in the magazine even if there is no disc--its time consuming and
>annoying--frankly, when I need a CD drive, I find the parallel-based
>Backpack drive a hell of a lot more convenient).
>	List consensus on which I should use?  Also, I'll need to get this CD from
>someone--I don't have it.
>	Emanuel, would you be kind enough to compile a "short list" of the
>benchmarks that you and the list think should be done and the locations
>from where they can be retrieved?  And would everyone run these on their
>701's and report the results to Emanuel for compilation & aggregation of
>the results?

I'd be glad to, if someone has benchmarks programs for OS/2.
>	I've heard some suggestions of the benchmarks to be used--and that's
>great--I'm just looking for a definitive consensus among the group.  I
>don't want to go through all this and find out a bunch of people are
>complaining that I used the wrong test and the results are biased...
I would be more than happy to run some OS/2 benchmarks on my system.

BTW, should disk type be considered, as in FAT16, 32, NTFS, HPFS (which I have),
EXT2, etc?

>>	As for a DOS game, while I've played DOOM on a 701C for over a
>>year, it's my recollection that the replacement chip (AMD or Cyrix)
>>don't handle FPU-intensive tasks very well. So that could be seen as
>>stacking the deck against PEP.
>	Which chip is it that PEP uses in the replacement?  And are you telling me
>that the FPU performance could actually be *inferior* to the stock 486/75
>in my 701C?
I've heard the same too, but I don't know what to compare it too.  All I heard as an example is
that the Cyrix 6x86-166 compares to around a P90 in FPU, but I don't know about this one.  AMD
is supposedly better, and has a history of being more reliable.

Anyways, don't quote me on this, but I think the upgrade is an AMD586-100.  I *think*.

But another problem for me is that I might be sending my 701 in for EasyServ,
AGAIN, for a faulty keyboard, which will hang, and also a broken mouse.  Sheesh.
