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RE: PCMCIA IDE adapters

On Mon, 27 Oct 1997 14:02:37 -0500, Cottrell, Eric wrote:
>What are the power limits of PCMCIA slots according to the spec?
>I would be wary of a PCMCIA IDE Interface that did not use an external
>power supply to power the drive.
You might want to check out http://www.pcmcia.org

I think that is the URL for the Personal Computer Memory Card International Association.
>If I was looking for a PCMCIA IDE adapter then I would want the option
>to use
>cheaper 3.5" hds which means both +5V and +12V power.  Currently with my
>thinkpad I use a SCSI PCMCIA card and carry around a Zip Drive with
>AC power supply. This setup is about the same as a IDE 3.5 Drive and I
>no problem with it.

But although the 2.5" drives are slower and costlier, they are obviously more
compact, and also spin up faster, and support better power management.
The IBM drives will usually spin down on a non-APM machine or interface
after about 12 or more hours.
