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Built-in modem on 700C and Trumpet Winsock problem

I know someone who has a ThinkPad 700C PS/2 with a built-in (or optional)
modem (not PCMCIA). The machine has Windows 3.1 (or maybe 3.11) running.
The school provided Trumpet Winsock for student use, and preconfigured it.

If I use Terminal and open COM2, I can type AT commands and get OK
responses and it starts to dial.

If I use Trumpet Winsock, it states that the modem does not reply OK to
commands. If I attempt to do a Manual connect, I also cannot get the modem
to reply. I've tried AT&F, atz, ate1, atv1 and ati commands to no avail.

If you've gotten Trumpet to use the modem, or have word that it will not
work, please let me know.

"In the last film I ever saw, they kept the change and they told lies."
Chris Schumann <whizkid@dwave.net>

PS Thanks for the info on powering my microphone. I haven't tried it yet.