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Re: question for UK Thinkpad owners

At 10:11 AM 10/24/97 HST, you wrote:
>(2) How does he get the pound sign?  (I assume that the Windows95 British
>	setting will reassign some character to the pound - but, if it is the US
>	sign, what happens to programs like TeX which use this symbol?)

I don't really know, but I had always assumed that the Pound Sign (#) would
be converted to the Pound Sign (£). I'm pretty sure I've seen keyboard
layouts that had the Pound Sterling symbol as Shift-3.

Actually, my guess is that they would (assuming the use of Win95) be using
the appropriate keyboard layout, as defined in the Language setting of the
Keyboard properties in the Control Panel. He would pretty much ignore the
legend actually screened onto the physical keys. (I'd suggest a few
removable labels, with the "true" meanings, until he gets used to them.)