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Unsolicited Sales Email! Re: CPU Upgrades for 701 model

Uhh, did I ask for this solicitation?  Do you send this to everyone on the
list who states that they have a thinkpad?  

Has he done this to anyone else on this list?

>I saw your post on the forum. We can upgrade the CPU, HDD through 4gb , and
>other things. Please cotnact me or visit our website if you have any other
>questions or needs.
>Best Regards,
>email: pepsale2@portables.com
>Portable Enhancements
>The Portable Upgrade ExpertsTM
>800-737-7693 X102
>714-418-0113 X102 Tel
>714-418-0117 Fax
>Up to 8GB on your Notebook!
>WEB: http://www.portables.com
>========Original Message========
>Subj: Re: CPU Upgrades for 701 model
>Date:97-10-21 01:47:46 EDT
>From:merlin@netnevada.net (Vernon Brooks)
>>Also, I was fortunate to get my 701 for 1805, overnight shipping included!
>ouch...maybe I shouldn't mention I got mine for 3 digits..
>The three digits add up to 2.  :)
>I thought it was a pretty good deal..  :)
>- Vernon Brooks <merlin@netnevada.net> -
>-   Net Nevada Network Administrator   -
>-    Las Vegas, NV (702) NET 2000      -
>-    PGP Public Key ID 0x2273E7C4      -
>-    Encrypted messages preferred      -

-  Vernon Brooks <merlin@netnevada.net>  -
-    Net Nevada Systems Administrator    -
-    Las Vegas, NV (702) NET-2000        -
-    PGP Public Key ID 0x2273E7C4        -
-    Encrypted Messages Preffered        -