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Re: CPU Upgrades for 701 model

On Mon, 20 Oct 1997 08:56:34 -0700 (PDT), Bryan Daum wrote:

>Randy, you are the well placed in the business school,  a subsidy would be
>nice indeed!  I'd consider that myself! ;) 
>As ep noted, what I had in mind was for someone interested in the upgrade to
>negotiate a half price deal in exchange for a solid unbiased report.  And
>indeed you or ep would be technically competent enough to properly run the
>testing...except for ep having sold his 701... (Good grief, Charlie Brown!)
>Oh, are all the upgrade paths out there the same?  I've only seen the PEP
>Ep notes a May 95 release date for the 701 but it must have been 94 as I
>bought mine early in '95 after the deep discounts.  As I recall they were
>originally about $6K and then were finally blown out at just over $2K.  The
>deal of the decade, thank you IBM.
>Cheers all,

According to the ThinkPad Assistant, the 360 and 540MB models
(DX4) came out on 3-7-95, and the 720MB (DX4) models on 9-5-95.

The DX2 models came out on 3-7-95.

Also, I was fortunate to get my 701 for 1805, overnight shipping included!
