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Re: Thinkpad upgrades

> Everything Steve says about upgrading seems upgrading accurate, but
> still....   I have a 2-year-old TP701 (Butterfly model) with a SLOWWW
> 486/75 processor.  Evergreen Tech will install an AMD P5 chip (I forget the
> model specs) for $400. The AMD chip is rated at 133 mhz, but they say that
> the effective speed is equivalent to a Pentium 75.

So _they_ say.  Even AMD doesn't make this claim for their chip. You should
take a look at my own tests, at http://www.math.hawaii.edu/~ross/cpu.html
(I also have pointers there to disappointing systemic benchmarks run
by Gainbery, who I believe OEMs the upgrade for Evergreen.)

BTW, the slowness of Office97 is the fault of MS, not your machine.  When I
moved from the same machine you have to my P133 TP560, I didn't see that much
improvement, especially on MS Publisher.  It is simply a horrendously written

- David