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IBM Thinkpad 510CS and Win95

	I'm working on a Thinkpad 510 and installed Windows 95 last night.
I've noticed that the system works fine in most respect, but for two
	1) the system hangs when I try to hibernate or suspend the system.
I made sure to add a 25MB partition using phdisk.exe, so there's more
than enough room. And the system will hibernate fine in DOS mode. I'm
betting I need to load something under Win95 for it to work. Doesn
anyone know?
	2) I can only find one PCMCIA slot on the system, but both Windows
3.1 and 95 insists there are two. Is this thing somehow reading the
memory slot (which *does* look like a PCMCIA slot) as another slot, or
am I somehow missing something? I'd love to discover the 510 can
accept type III cards, because cloning my software onto it would be a
lot faster and simpler using one of my PC card drives.
	And on a non-Windows note, the battery seems to be either loose or
dying. I'm getting about an hour (though with brightness and contrast
high and constant disk accessing as I load the system up, and running
Windows in 8MB), but occasionally the system forgets how much life is
remaining, and when charging the light flickers. And charging appears
to only take an hour with the system off. Is this behavior normal, a
result of the unit being so old (from waaay back in '94 :-)
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Kiwi 680TX