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Re: what is a CAV CD-ROM?

On Tue, 7 Oct 1997, Mitchell Yee wrote:
>      Does anyone have any idea what is an 8X-20X CAV CD-ROM drive?  Check  
>      http://www.us.pc.ibm.com/options/thinkmax1.html
>      I need to add a CD-ROM to my 760XL and was ready to buy the 8X, but
>      maybe this drive does more?  There are two part numbers listed:
>         00K7903  or  11J8933

CAV is Constant Angular Velocity.  Data on CDs are encoded with
CLV, Constant Linear Velocity.  That is, there is the same
amount of data per inch of track.  That means the CD player must
slow down when reading from the outside tracks, and speed up
when reading from the inside tracks - the amount of linear
distance passing under the read laser goes as 2*pi*R.

A CAV player spins at the same rate no matter where it's
reading.  This simplifies the spinning mechanism, but
complicates the reading mechanism.  When you read from an
outside track, the data comes in faster (because there is more
of it per revolution), and that would probably be the 20x.  When
you read from an inside track the data comes in slower (because
there is less of it per revolution), and that is probably the

That's my guess based on CAV/CLV from laserdiscs (only on those,
CAV and CLV describe the way the data is actually encoded on the
John H. Kim