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Re: The 560s video capabilities.

On Sun, 5 Oct 1997, Harald Milz wrote:

> The tech specs are on
> http://www.us.pc.ibm.com/products/thinkpad/5aea_11da.html

  The max color depth still doesn't seem to mean much.  The table lists..

Display & Resolution
E: 12.1" SVGA TFT - 256K colors @ 800x600
11.3" SVGA DSTN - 64K colors @ 800x600
Other models: 11.3" SVGA DSTN - 256 colors @ 800x600
12.1" SVGA TFT - 64K colors @ 800 x 600

  Since 256 color VGA is actually 256 colors out of a palette of 256K
colors I highly doubt the panel is only good for 256 colors.  Which 256
colors would that be?  3 bits each for 2 colors, and two bits for whatever
color is left?  Only 8 or fewer levels for any given color would be
woefully inadequate.  Usually a panel is good for at least 12-bit color to
give you something near the full range of colors available in basic 256
color [256 specific colors selected out of 18-bit palette].  If it didn't
LCD panels would look horrible with fairly colorful images.

  The TP701 users ended up getting a lot more colors available that were
officially supported.  With the dull display of DSTN panels I wouldn't
expect awesome color fidelity, but having over 256 colors on screen at
once does wonders for the color palette management in lots of software.
Instead of just having the foreground app control the palette [minus a few
colors reserved by the OS] the apps can use a large palette and not fight
for what few colors are there.  Even if the LCD end up butchering it down
to the nearest 4K colors [4 bits for each color] or whatever it is still
much better than living with 256 colors at once.

==== Steve Parker ==== San Luis Obispo, CA ==== Multi-OS & Multitasking ====