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Re: The 560's video capabilities.

On Sat, 4 Oct 1997, Paul Khoury wrote:

> This probably doesn't relate too much, but on my 701, using say 800*600, it
> uses panning.  I sorta do and don't like that.  I can however get up to 65,536
> colors, though.  I don't know if the 560 does 800*600, but that might be the
> highest it can go if so.

  The TP560 display panels are 800x600.  I always run at 800x600, 16-bit
on my TP560's 12.1" active display.  I would suspect that the DSTN version
could display at least some significant portion of the 64K colors at once.
It wouldn't hurt anything to try it and see.

==== Steve Parker ==== San Luis Obispo, CA ==== Multi-OS & Multitasking ====