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Re: Win 98 and 365XD

Paul Khoury wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Sep 1997 08:58:08 -0400, Richard M. Poniarski wrote:
> >       I have a chance to get a copy of the latest beta of Win 98. I thought
> >about putting it on my 365XD. Has anyone tried this yet? Are there any
> >problems? I am particularly interested in converting my disk from FAT16 to
> >FAT32 to get some space back. Any help with this is greatly appreciated.
> >
> Have you looked at Partition Magic?  I've never used it, but
> I hear it can reclaim space back from oversized clusters.

I've used Partion Magic and I highly recommend it.  It's stunning
how easy it makes repartioning your drive, and it provides cluster
optimization to reclaim space.  However, it, in and of itself,
won't provide support for FAT32 -- you still need Win95 OSR2
(or Win98) to reap the benefits of FAT32.  Partion Magic detects
if your OS supports FAT32 and if you don't have FAT32 OS support,
Partion Magic won't let you convert the disk to FAT32.  However,
even without FAT32 support, Partition Magic still works wonders
to let you partion your drive "on the fly," and allows you to
break your disk into smaller partitions that allow reduced cluster
sizes; even without FAT32 you can save a LOT of space by re-

In my case, I updated my 760CD to Win95 OSR2 and used
Partition Magic to convert my FAT drive to FAT32, and then used
it to resize my clusters to (I think) 4K from 32K.  On my 1.2GB
drive, this process recovered 213MB of space.  Groovey. . . !


Dean Cashen