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Re: Kim's Commentary on TP701s

> I'm pretty sure I have the better TFT.  The original 701 had the
> TFT mounted high on the lid (TFT close to the top).  The later
> 701 had the TFT mounted low (TFT close to the hinge).  Mine is
> the later variety, and it definitely was dimmer than the TP760
> TFTs I've seen.

All 4 of my screens were in the same place.  One major difference was
that on the better ones, the brightness control actually worked
(while it did nothing on the worse ones).

While my 701 was not quite as bright as the display on my Micron, and 
was markedly dimmer than that on my wife's TI (which is so bright that
it sometimes can't be turned *down* enough!) it was still in the same
general ballpark, certainly when compared to DS screens.

- David