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Re: Backup options

On Wed, 1 Oct 1997, Paul Khoury wrote:

> Does anybody know if there is some way I can backup one
> of my HPFS partitions to a DAT tape or something like that,
> with only PCMCIA or parallel to use.  Viewing the long filenames
> is also a must.  TIA.

  I use Back Again/2 Pro on my desktop to back up my OS/2 system to my
Wangtek 6200HS DAT.  I like it.  The compression ratios and buffer sizes
can be customized which I find useful.

  Just use it with an OS/2 supported SCSI adapter like the Adaptec
products and it'll do fine.

  I have tried Novaback and Backmaster and found them both to be lacking

  Any ideas for a good Win95 long file name supporting backup program to
use with my 6200HS DAT drive? the one that comes with Adaptec EZ-SCSI 4.1
claims my tapes are always wrie protected.  I am getting by for now by
copying the entire Windows boot drive to a CDRW disc.  I can restore with
a plain old mass xcopy.  =)

  I'd rather use my DAT though.  CDRW discs are expensive and don't hold

==== Steve Parker ==== San Luis Obispo, CA ==== Multi-OS & Multitasking ====