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Help: Debian Linux installation on ThinkPad 760EL

I am trying to install Debian Linux 1.3.1 from the official two-CD set
(ordered from Cheap*Bytes) on my ThinkPad 760EL.  My problem is that
once I start the Linux installation process (i.e., when DOS stops
running and Linux install starts running), Linux will no longer read
my internal 6x CD-ROM drive successfully.  It knows the drive's there
since I see

/dev/hdb: <info about the Teac-made CD-ROM drive>

go by when Linux starts up, but I get lots and lots of

/dev/hdb: status=0x???? (I can't remember)

and other error messages whenever I switch from screen to screen in
the Linux installation.  When I get to the point where it asks me to
select the media from which to install the Linux base system and
packages, I select /dev/hdb and hit return but I see these error
messages again and then I'm back where I started again with no way to
make progress.  

Note, I have tried floppy=thinkpad already, as in

loadlin.exe linux root=/dev/ram ro initrd=root.bin floppy=thinkpad

but it didn't help.  Neither did saying hdb=cdrom.

If anybody has any idea what is going on, please tell me.  Otherwise,
I'll have to copy the whole CD to my hard disk and try to install
Linux from there.

