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On Mon, 29 Sep 1997, Paul Khoury wrote:

> Unfortunately, it still gives the same error.  I don't remember it off the top of
> my head, as I am in WPS again to write this email, but I think it was like
> error 3 or something.  Does anyone know about advanced features of
> Norton diskedit?  I got them from a friend, but no documentation.  I am very
> tempted to modify it myself.

NEVER use dos utilities to fix the disk under os/2 since they tend to mess
up the EA for the files on the OS/2 partitions .

LArs Evensen, stud. techn.
E.B.Schieldrops Vei 11-16             E-mail : larsev@stud.math.ntnu.no
7033 Trondheim                        WWW : http://www.fm.unit.no/~larsev/
Norway                                Phone :  + 47 - 73 88 89 01