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Mwave modem (was 701C modem hangs)

At 08:37 AM 9/29/97 +1000, you wrote:

>i've had all sorts of similiar problems with the mwave modem on a 755 & 760
>with win 3.11 and win 95.  had a number of our computer people try to solve
>the problem too. in the end i physically removed the mwave modem part and 
>connected a regular modem to my serial port.
>works fine now. ... a 1000% better than when i was trying to work with the 
>mwave modem.
>regards, al
> Alden S Klovdahl /   alden.klovdahl@anu.edu.au    / fax: +61 2 62 49 05 25
> Sociology Arts  / Australian National University / Canberra ACT Australia


My experience has been quite different.  With a current bios and latest
of Mwave, I have had not problems under OS/2 Warp Connect (v3) and NT
4.0 on both a 755CX and a 765D.  Mwave seems to be better than various
PCMCIA modems I have tried (get FCS errors with the PCMCIA under Warp
and get serial port overrun errors doing the same thing under Sun Solaris
x86).  The 755CX has 40 MB of RAM and a P75.

I have tried a MegaHertz, TDK, USR Courier, and  PP PCMCIA modems and
had interesting (and different) experiences with each.


Stuart F. Biggar
Remote Sensing Group
Optical Sciences Center
University of Arizona
Phone:  520-621-8168
Fax:  520-621-8292