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RE: Problem with startup of 560

I wrote:
> > Paul, I think the proportion of TP560 owners using OS/2 or Linux is
> > almost indistinguishable from zero.

Christoph Eyrich wrote:
> Regarding Linux that's definitely not the case. It may well be true
> for those doing presentations most of their time but it's different
> in academia...

What do you base your "definitely" on?  Note that I'm specifically referring
to the 560, which has different use demographics than other IBM Thinkpad
models.  Also, I understand there are some hassles involved in getting
Linux working on the 560, including afterboot patching of the
display and floppy drivers (e.g., running cy9382 in startx), and kernel
to make features like suspend/resume work.  Plus, I don't think that PS2.exe
gives as extensive control over the 560 low-level features as does the "W95 Features"

Why is it different in academia?  I'm an academic myself; if anything, this
ties me in even tighter to W95 (since my university's site license/academic
discount arrangements are for W95 versions of software - I think this is true
for most US universities).

I don't doubt that a fair number of 560 users use Linux - I like it myself,
though it would be impractical for me to have it on my laptop(s).  I just
suspect that the *fraction* of 560 owners running Linux is very very small.

Note to Paul: Calling W95 "DOS 7" is not entirely fair.  I agree that MS is still
way behind in the catch up game, but W95 is a valiant effort, and a huge improvement
over W3.1.  I frequently miss W95 features when working on my Sparc - this was never
the case for W3.1

- David