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RE: has anyone seen (heard) a high-pitched whine when closing 365xd?

Yeah..It's called feedback.
go to your mixer and either toggle the Mic input to speaker or adjust the volume.
There are 2 mixers in a sense. One is for everything that goes to the speaker ie The OUT mixer (also called PLAY),
the other is for everything that can be recorded. 
The fact that it varies is due to (many things ;-} ) the amount of noise that the mic picks up when you close it 
and how loud the speaker is at this point.
If you were using Faxworks with voice it will enable to mic to speaker path and adjust the gain every time.
This permits the speaker phone to work in full duplex.

From: 	Kevin W. Rudd[SMTP:kevin@umunhum.Stanford.EDU]
Sent: 	Wednesday, September 24, 1997 12:44 PM
To: 	thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: 	Q:  has anyone seen (heard) a high-pitched whine when closing 365xd?

i have a 365xd running linux (redhat 4.2) that emits a shriek through
the speaker while closing the lid.  it is not directly suspend related
and does not happen every time (although since it started it is fairly
consistent) but i can't figure out a pattern if there is one.  the
volume control does affect it.  i've run the self-tests in the
hardware but don't know what else to look at.  i've also looked at the
area around the speaker but there doesn't seem to be anything
surprising inside.  what is puzzling is that today is the first time
that i've noticed this in the 6 months that i've had the thinkpad.
i'd certainly like to try and isolate the problem before calling ibm
about it.

thanks for any thoughts...

puzzled and deaf,