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Re: Floppy/Cable for 701

On Thu, 25 Sep 97 12:48:59 +0300, Dominique Pivard wrote:

>On Tue, 26 Aug 1997 at 10:15 AM you, Grant Hilsenteger
><agh1@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca>, said:
>>I am working on, and have just started to use the floppy a bit. It is a
>>little eccentric it seems. When I plug it in, the computer doesn't
>>recognize it always on the first go. I comes back with messages like
>>"This disk is not formatted" or "Cannot read from drive A". If I move the
>>drive around a bit (a gentle shake or a repositioning) it sometimes comes
>>back to life, but not always. I'm curious whether anyone else has had a
>I'm not sure whether this is of any help but I got the same messages under
>OS/2 until I added the following parameters to 'BASEDEV=IBM1FLPY.ADD' in
>CONFIG.SYS: /A:0 /U:0 /CL:AT. These force recognition of a hot-swapped
>floppy drive. Maybe there's something equivalent for Win95/WinNT, either
>of which you appear to be using based on the X-mailer line of your
>message. Or then your hardware may be broken.

I don't think you need special parameters for NT or 95, after all, they
are DOS!  Also, maybe your disk is bad.
