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RE: clock battery for 720

this is the Hardware Maintenance Manual but far from finished....sigh.
The Book version shows you battery (44G3778 ) lithium being under a cover plate on the bottom.

this is the boulder parts place and is more usefull.
44G3778   Battery    $3.25  Note: shipping is free
your welcome ;-}  1-800-765-5944 for parts

From: 	Philip Carter[SMTP:pcarter@freenet.columbus.oh.us]
Sent: 	Wednesday, September 24, 1997 1:41 PM
To: 	thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: 	clock battery for 720

It appears that I will have to change the clock battery soon in my 720. 
Can anyone point me to a faq or a hardware manual for the 720 covering
this?  I would prefer not to have to ship it to a service center for this
if possible.  If I have to ship it off, does anyone know what the cost of
this service would be?


NRE/COLE Test Center OH-3
Philip L. Carter, WD8QWR