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Re: Compression Agent and TP701C?

> I have never been in a worse mess than when a disc compression thing is
> envolved. When they work it is like free space, so it is easy to get hooked
> on them, but a better option is just to clean house, or buy more storage.
> They don't even have to do anything wrong to really get you hosed once
> something else is making trouble.

I don't think this is true for the latest version of compression agent for W95.
Some of the earlier compression programs for DOS/W3.1 did have bad reputations
(and the most stable of them - Superstor - went out of business, I think because
it compressed a bit less than the others).

Anyone worried about system problems can do what I do - use compression to create
a compressed virtual disk, then leave critical system files on the uncompressed
disk.  On my 701 w/340 megs, I had 100 megs for system stuff, the rest of the disk
was doubled and held Office '95, Lotus Smartsuite, a fairly complete TeX
system, 2 large statistics packages, and the usual miscelleny of crap that one
accumulates on a laptop.  Even with the best organization skills this wouldn't
have been possible without compression.

- David