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RE: Attaching SCSI device to TP Dock

The Adaptec MiniSCSI and MiniSCSI Plus are the same devices from Trantor. 
 They are the T348, which is the Plus and most widely available.

It is not the greatest SCSI performer though, it is dependant on the 
parallel port settings.  Any drives that you mount are recognized as 
removable media, so you can not run things like fdisk on those drives.

Also, if you connect to a CDROM only you must be carefull on how you 
configure the drive and to terminate properly.  The default SCSI ID for the 
device is 7, and has no jumpers or options.

It is possible to use the deveice in DOS mode too, which is nice to install 
OS's fromthe CDROM.  All you have to do is make sure that the ASAPI and 
MSCDEX are on the boot disk.

I use it under Solaris as the device which to connect to an external SCSI 

All in all I think it is worthwhile device, and a much better choice than a 
PCMCIA SCSI card, granted keep in mind that throughput is slower.
