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Re: CPU swap with 760E & 760ED

You can go to IBM Parts web sight and make a comparison!

The sight is at http://direct.boulder.ibm.com/parts/

I often utilize this sight to view actual parts numbers
and see if their identical between different models
of ThinkPad!


> From: Teresa Selling <tselling@ibm.net>
> To: Thinkpad Email List <thinkpad@cs.utk.edu>
> Subject: CPU swap with 760E & 760ED
> Date: Sunday, September 21, 1997 9:01 AM
> Does anyone know if there are separate CPU
> boards that can be swapped and how to get to
> them.  I recently picked up a 760E with
> P150 relatively inexpensively and am hoping
> to get a 760ED P133 for a decent price.  I would
> like to have the enhanced video (video in/out
> port and gameport) thats on the 760ED
> with the P150 CPU in the 760E.  Anyone know
> if its possible to swap the CPUs?  I would
> then give the slower machine without video
> enhancements to my husband.
> Thanks.
> ---
> Teresa Selling                          E-Mail:  tselling@ibm.net
> Colorado Springs, CO