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On Wed, 17 Sep 1997 13:22:46 -0800, Mike Ford wrote:

>At 6:57 PM -0700 9/16/97, tisol wrote:
>>Try www.insight.com
>>They had the Sony PCMCIA SCSI plus 2X CD-rom for $80 ?
>>The adapter is an Adaptec 1460.
>>The Panasonic variation of this was ~ $100 at DAYMARK .
>>IT is better as the connector is non-propriatory.
>>I have the 4x Sony version ...it was $120
>>Re your  other question
>>Any PCMCIA SCSI is overkill for 2X  , 4X   CD-roms
>>DAMN just reread you message . You don't want a CD-rom ?
>>You want to talk to a CD writer ???
>>You mean "MediaVision" portable CDROM ?
>Yeah, that one I think.
>I have a CDrom writer hooked to my mac, but if it was easy/cheap I would
>like to hook it to the 365XD from time to time for backup and making a
>blasted w95 installer disc instead of a pile of floppies. Hence the
>question about a PCMCIA SCSI card, which was about $50 (one thing was $43
>and the other $53, but I forget which was which).
>Also though, I have some older systems I am building for relatives and want
>to include a CDROM drive and a few Gig of software via my CDR burner.
>Clear as mud right?
I don't have a SCSI-2 PCMCIA card yet (ugh), but I got a portable
2x SCSI-2 CD-ROM (Media Vision Reno), and it was only $90.  Now they
have an improved version (regular AA batteries) for $59 from
www.halted.com.  I currently use it with my desktop on a SCSI-2/3 PCI
controller.  Even for a 2x, it FLIES.
