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Re: Surplus Direct stuff

On Sat, 13 Sep 1997 13:24:25 -0700 (PDT), Doug Fairclough wrote:

>yuck.  i got that Genoa 4MB card and its stinky.  on a NEC 21 inch
>monitor, in 1280x1024 256 color mode, if you stretch a window (for
>example MSIE browser) it flickers.  will call tech support, but i
>was wondering when 16MB cards will hit the market !  or if i should
>get a matrox as others suggested ...
Thanks for being the brave soul who tested it.  I don't think I will buy it now,
though.  I don't have the Matrox, but I wish I did, because my system doesn't
work properly, and I think I've singled it down to a conflict between my SCSI-3
and Diamond Speedstar 64, both PCI.


>On Sat, 13 Sep 1997, Paul Khoury wrote:
>> I thought maybe you might be able to get ThinkPad
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