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Re: 701 AC adapter

I'm also looking for a power adapter for the 701.  Preferably the standard,
not the international.  Of course, Axel gets the first offer.

Thank you,


> From: Axel Hartmann <axhartma@risky.ecs.umass.edu>
> To: 'thinkpad@cs.utk.edu'
> Subject: wtb: 701 AC adapter
> Date: Monday, September 08, 1997 10:29 PM
> 'llo All,
> I just got my 701 back from EZ-Serve for what I thought was a busted
DC-DC-Board, but it turns out that the power-brick is busted. 
> This same power adapter is also on back order at IBM...
> Needless to say, I ran my batteries empty figuring this one out, so for
the meantime I'm left with a technically intruiging paperweight...
> Anyhow, if anyone has any thoughts on this, or a power adapter left over
from a stolen 701 or something of that kind, let me know :)
> axel
> ps: having to bike to office for my late-evening email does keep me in
shape, though.

> .                  Axel Hartmann                                         
> . Paper'n'People : 33 Meadow Street; Amherst, MA 01002; USA              
> . Voice-by-Wire  : +1 (413) 549 - 6113 , Paper-by-Wire on demand         

> . Office         : Dept. of Chemical Engineering; UMass; Amherst, MA
01003 .
> . Office Phone   : +1 (413) 577 - 1235            Fax: +1 (413) 545 -
1649 .
> . E-Mail         : axhartma@risky.ecs.umass.edu                          
> . Homepage       : http://rheoserver.pse.umass.edu/users/axel/index.html 

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