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Re: TP500 & 540 MB HDD, Need Help Partioning!!!

>Beware about installing Linux on 270Mb, remember that you need a
>partition for the Linux swapfile (approx 40Mb)

I thought you could you could have quite a few swap partitions
(I think there might be a limit), but the size limit for the swap is
only 16MB.  That's just what I heard.

 that leaves you with
>230Mb, if you going for an install with most of the tools and X you
>won't have much space left for anything else. It takes quite a bit of
>time to get a Linux system up and running with X, it's a real pain to
>then run out of space and have to start again with another drive, I
>know because it's happen to me :-(

Size also depends on the distribution.  Debian is harder, because
you have to choose EVERYTHING.
