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Re: Help! Hard drive BIOS test error ;-(


 First of all, I'd like to thank you for the prompt reply. After trying your
directions several times,
I still can't see any additional hard drive icon to appear. So, I can not reach
the last step to do low-level
formatting for my hard drive. On the other hand, I should point out is, this
hard drive has been formatted
already, and been installed windows 95 on it. Until now, it seems work fine.
Any further idea?

Have a good day,
Yen-chiun Tseng

        97/08/29 12:03 PM
Please respond to pkhoury@juno.com @ internet

To: Y.C Tseng/Taiwan/IBM@IBMTW
cc: Y.C Tseng/Taiwan/IBM@IBMTW, Chung-Chia Ho/Taiwan/Contr/IBM@IBMTW,
thinkpad@cs.utk.edu @ internet
Subject: Re: Help! Hard drive BIOS test error ;-(

On Thu, 28 Aug 1997 21:31:49 -0400 "Y.C Tseng" <tsengyc@tw.ibm.com>
> I just got a new Hitach 2.1 GB hard drive for my ThinkPad 760ELD.
>putting it into my ThinkPad,
>I tried to test this drive in the BIOS setup menu, then got a red
>error cross
>mark with the following lines:
> DEV 017
> ERR 16
> FRU 6010
>Could someone kindly point me out what meanings do they respect to?
>Thanks a
>Best regards,
>Yen-chiun Tseng

Okay, first of all, is this a new drive, with no information?

If so, follow the steps below:

1. Boot up the machine into Easy Setup holding Fn-F1 until you get there.

2. Go to test machine, and press CONTROL-A, you should see some new

3. Then press CONTROL-F, and you should see a hard drive icon.  This
formats the hard drive and DESTROYS everything on it, so only use it
if you know what you're doing.

4. Click on it with the mouse.  Press enter until you see a box that says

Cylinder x or something like that.  I don't want to do this, so I don't
what it says.

5. Email me and the list, and tell me how it went.

Good luck.
