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Re: FW: LED Burned Out

In a message dated 97-08-28 06:42:28 EDT, you write:

 If this is the kind of help/attitude we take on this listserv, please
 don't email me w/ your "help"!!!  (Follow the msgs below)
 Scott E. Bronson 				Phone:	724-7618
 CPT, SC						Fax:	724-7680
 Communications Systems Engineer
 Project Support Directorate			
 1st Signal Brigade  "Voice of the ROK!"
 Email:	sbronson@seoul-psd.korea.army.mil
 > -----Original Message-----
 > From:	Bronson, Scott E. CPT 
 > Sent:	Wednesday, August 27, 1997 11:27 PM
 > To:	'Fredmmill@aol.com'
 > Subject:	RE: LED Burned Out
 > Nice language!!!!!!  Thanks for the help.......
 > Scott E. Bronson 				Phone:	724-7618
 > CPT, SC						Fax:	724-7680
 > Communications Systems Engineer
 > Project Support Directorate			
 > 1st Signal Brigade  "Voice of the ROK!"
 > Email:	sbronson@seoul-psd.korea.army.mil
 > -----Original Message-----
 > From:	Fredmmill@aol.com [SMTP:Fredmmill@aol.com]
 > Sent:	Wednesday, August 27, 1997 3:55 PM
 > To:	SBRONSON@seoul-psd.korea.army.mil
 > Subject:	Re: LED Burned Out
 > Well, I am so sorry that I did not realize you are overseas.  In that
 > case, I
 > guess you are shit out of luck... Now, aren't you?
 > Can't believe you're suggesting sending it back to IBM for a burned
 > out LED.  Look at my email address, I'd be shipping it from Korea  
 > Scott E. Bronson 				Phone:	724-7618
 > CPT, SC						Fax:	724-7680
 > Communications Systems Engineer
 > Project Support Directorate			
 > 1st Signal Brigade  "Voice of the ROK!"
 > Email:	sbronson@seoul-psd.korea.army.mil
 > -----Original Message-----
 > From:	Fredmmill@aol.com [SMTP:Fredmmill@aol.com]
 > Sent:	Wednesday, August 27, 1997 7:22 AM
 > To:	SBRONSON@seoul-psd.korea.army.mil
 > Subject:	Re: LED Burned Out
 > Why not just tsend it back to IBm and have them fix it.. It has been
 > my
 > experience, using its "easyserve," taht you will get the unit back in
 > less
 > than 72 hours. >>

Dear Sir/Madam: 

Did you ever take the time to think that maybe it is your attitude that is
out of line?  

I was at least nice enough to take the time to send you, what I thought at
the time, to be a helpful suggestion.  Granted, I did not realize at that
time that you are geographically disadvantaged with respect to IBM's service
centers.  But instead of then just recognizing the obvious - no, you have to
reply with "look at my address, I can't believe you. . ."  With all due
respect sir/madam - I niether did nor do care that much to carefully inspect
your address.  I have enough to do without worrying about your life too.  So
if you wish to get your nose out of joint - that is your problem... But do me
a favor and everyone else: don't cut their arm off because they did not first
take the time to carefully inspect YOUR address before attempting to help

Instead say nothing, say thank you - just be polite... I am confident that
your mom and dad taught you manners - didn't they?

Getting your reply to my first message was rather rude and insulting.  So
what do you expect sir/madam?