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Re: I put some more updates

On Mon, 25 Aug 1997 16:25:19 +0100, Rajesh Varia wrote:

>In message <199708131950.MAA19298@denmark.it.earthlink.net>, Paul Khoury
><pkhoury@earthlink.net> writes
>>Also, does anyone have the latest drivers for whatever
>>for Windows 95/NT, OS/2, Linux, etc. relating to ThinkPads,
>>that I could put up?  If so, send me an email attachment.  Thanks.
>I thought that all the latest IBM ThinkPad drivers could be found at
>ftp.pc.ibm.com  /pub/pccbbs/mobiles
>Which covers drivers for DOS, Windows 3.x Win 95, Win NT and OS/2 and
>also BIOS updates etc.
>Rajesh Varia
Thanks, I forgot.  I've had a lot on my mind lately.