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Re: same partition booting

Paul Khoury wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Aug 1997 10:34:09 -0400, TROTTIER, Tom wrote:
> >How did you get them all in the same partition? Or do you mean all booting as "C:"
> >
> >----------
> Okay, this is sort of complicated, so I recommend a whole day if
> anyone does this.  And if it doesn't work, don't blame me (disclaimer!).
> First install PC-DOS 6.3, then Windows 3.11, then Windows 95, which will ask if you wish
> to preserve your DOS/Win3.11, and then OS/2 Warp (3.0 recomended), then Windows NT 4.0.
> Someday, I'll get all this done on a clone machine to make sure it all works okay.
> Paul


Well, except for the OS/2 Warp part everything works exactly the same
way as you described on the clones that I've got. I believe though it 
is not possible to also boot Linux from the same partition (it will be 
the same disk, but you have to run fdisk when switching forth and back 
between DOS/Win16/Win32 and Linux environments).

Ziemowit Jankowski