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same partition booting - was:RE: 755cx OS upgrade (or I H8 EZ SERV)

How did you get them all in the same partition? Or do you mean all booting as "C:"

From:  Paul Khoury[SMTP:pkhoury@earthlink.net]
Sent:  1997  August 19 - Tuesday 18:57
To:  jeff kiyoi; thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject:  Re: 755cx OS upgrade (or I H8 EZ SERV)

On Tue, 19 Aug 1997 15:39:35 -0500, jeff kiyoi wrote:

>Hi all.  Well, the EZ Serve techs and I are on a first name basis now.
>This is
>my third time in for service in the last month.  By my counts, my
>machine has
>been looked at by between seven and twelve different technicians at EZ
>serv including two separate "quality" assurance teams.  I have had the
>system board and the processor card replaced, and been told on at least
>six separate occasions that my mouse and crash problems are all due to
>software.  Finally, on the third time its been in, after registering
>twice, I was able to have the head tech on 755 models check out my
>and lo and behold- its a bad hard drive!  So my troubles are over,
>No.  It seems that IBM refuses to do anything but load my new drive with
>factory specs, meaning win 3.1 and os/2.  While I'm sure those are great
>systems, I don'town a single piece of hardware or software that isn't
>Win95 specific.  So now I need to upgrade to Win95 from 3.1.  I  have
>never done this before, but remember hearing horror stories about
>conflicts and such.Can anyone with experience with this (I seem to
>remember from a long time ago someone named "Hitchhiker") drop me
>a line with any suggestions that might make this a little smother.
>Regards, Jeff
I'd rather keep OS/2, but just delete Windows 3.1, if you wish.  BTW,
you can even have PC-DOS 6.3/Win 3.1, OS/2 Warp, and Win95 on the
same partition and still boot from each.  I had that on my server before,
but I only had 95 on for < 1 week because I preferred Linux and OS/2.
