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Joseph Christie wrote:
> IIRC it means "By The Way"
> On Thu, 14 Aug 1997 09:08:54 -0400, "Geovanny M. Ortiz" <o-n-a@shadow.net>
> wrote about "BTW":
> >Please excuse my ignorance, but I've seen these three letters, BTW, very
> >often and I don't know what they mean.  Please enlighten me.

As everybody probably knows already ;-), in the Netherlands
BTW means "belasting toegevoegde waarde", i.e. VAT.

Hope this helps,

Maurice klein Gebbinck <mauricek@cs.kun.nl>
University of Nijmegen, Computing Science Institute
Toernooiveld 1, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Phone +31 24 3652710, Fax +31 24 3553450