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RE: Sources for 2.1 gig HDs for ThinkPad 701CS

On Thu, 14 Aug 1997 at 10:22 AM you, "TROTTIER, Tom" <ttrottier@shl.com>,

>I am thinking of upgrading too.. some questions:
>1.	Does the plastic wrap resemble Saran wrap? Would several layers of
>Saran wrap work as well? 2.	Would the plastic wrap cause any overheating
>or reduced component life?

I have no idea what "Saran wrap" is, but you can easily see for yourself
what the original plastic wrap looks like by taking the drive off your
TP701, which is very easily and safely done (after all, the TP701 drives
were designed to be removable).

I suppose IBM wouldn't have wrapped the drives if it could have damaged
them. It probably also protects the drive against dust and oxidation.

At one time my TP701 acted as my home Internet server and was switched on
24 hours a day for more than 5 months. Neither the TP701 nor the drive
itself appeared to have suffered from any kind of overheating.

Dominique Pivard <domi@kenavo.fi>
Helsinki, Finland